Medical Marketing Funnels - Funnel Science

Get More Patients Fast

User Friendly & Proven to Increase New Patients by at least 3X

Stop Funnel Leakage Streamline Appointment Setting

Scheduling Made Easy

Funnel Science offers a simple & easy scheduling tool that your patients will love and is a proven way to increase new patients by 3X. A proven way to streamline your office and get more customers in the door.

Your office staff will love it and and will immediately grow your business by eliminating funnel leakage and improving your scheduling options.

Allows your patients to schedule with you directly from your website, phone, text, web chat, in a matter of a few clicks – and all in a single window. 

All patients calls, text messages, emails, online forms, and webchat all in 1 place, directly linked to your marketing. Streamlines all of your communications with your patients in a single platform and stops funnel leakage.


Phone Call Tracking, Recording, Sentiment, Transcription and Text

You cannot manage what you do not measure. If you measure wrong, you manage wrong. Most medical offices lose 10 to 50% of their patients through their phone system. 

Funnel Science has a very easy to use web app that gives all of your calls, texts, emails, forms and web chats in one place, with 1 sign-in. This helps streamline your practice, enhances your patient acquisition, and has proven to work with 1,000’s of companies.

Funnel Science greatly improves Conversion Tracking by putting it all on one easy-to-use platform. Whether it’s phone calls, form completions, web chats, or emails, you can track where your patients are coming from, and their value to your practice.

Custom Forms

You can’t manage, what you do not measure. If you measure wrong, or only measure partially, you lose. Forms generate a lot of spam, and you need to filter the junk forms from the good ones.  Conversion tracking with a pixel sends the wrong information because it includes all of the junk, spam, and bots form completions.

Funnel Science greatly improves Conversion Tracking by putting it all on one easy-to-use platform with fraud and bot detection. Whether it’s phone calls, form completions, web chats, or emails, you can track where your customers are coming from, and their value to your business.

Funnel Science provides Qualitative Data Analysis so that your team can improve the Qualitative outcome.

Texts & Webchats

Texting and Web chats are 2 of the most powerful sales tools that you can use and are a proven way to grow new sales. Many customers do not want to complete an online form or call into a voice machine and they would rather quick and fast chat. 

By adding this pro funnel tools to your website you will immeidately capture more sales from the traffic that is abandoning your site. 

You can’t manage, what you do not measure. If you measure wrong, you manage wrong. Funnel Science provides Qualitative Data Analysis so that your team can improve the Qualitative outcome.


Custom Email Drips, Analysis, & Statistics

You can’t manage, what you do not measure. If you measure wrong, you manage wrong. One of the best and easiest ways to improve sales for $100 a month. This simple to use email technology increases your sales. You will get more new customers and more contacts from your existing leads. Its one of the easiest to use tools to grow your sales funnel.

Funnel Science Designed, Tested, and Proved for Medical Practices

All-in 1 Marketing App

Funnel Science Application is a complete sales and marketing tool designed for your medical office. Track new patients leads from many sources all in one dashboard that links to your existing office setup. Record phone calls, analyze call sentiment, forms of any type, web chats, and more.

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