How to go from 100's to 1,000's of conversions - Funnel Science

How to go from 100’s to 1,000’s of conversions


One of the greatest challenges a business will face when scaling is how to go from hundreds to thousands.

It’s easy to spend more on advertising, but spending more doesn’t mean more sales.  Sometimes it can even mean that the more you spend, the less you make and conversion rates plummet.


One of the most important first steps to take is to reach out and work with someone who has been there before. The same thing you would do if you were to try and climb the Himalayas, would you be risky and go at it alone? Or would you find a Sherpa who has been there before, well-equipped to show you the way?


The second step is uncover and analyze the correct data. Discover that, and you will find the path to scale. No one ever successfully scaled up with the wrong data! To dig deep into the data you must have robust analytics because what’s measured can be improved. You cannot manage what you can’t measure.

The analytics that you are using now to start the journey will not be the same to scale, but starting on the right foot is a step in the direction of scaling-up-success. 

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