Improve user experience to increase Ecommerce Sales

How to improve the online shopping experience for your customer

Improving the online shopping experience for your customers will:

  • Increase Ecommerce Sales

  • Spread the word in social media

  • Increase the number of return shoppers

Improve E Commerce Sales Conversion Rate Optimization


The average E Commerce website has a bounce rate of 75% or higher, abandonment rates greater than 70% which indicates low customer engagement and poor conversion metrics across your site.




How to Increase E-Commerce Conversion Rate

People will not buy from you if your website is not trustworthy and credible.  No trust = No sale.  To build trust and credibility online, you must develop a professional image, professional credentials and expert information.

1) Professionally designed website that does not have W3C errors

2) 3rd party validated business and payment systems

3) Providing 100% accurate, original, verifiable and expert information about your products and services without the sales hype.

Product, customer, and testimonial reviews are an excellent way to continue to build trust and give your website visitors peace of mind.  No one wants to be the “beta tester” for your website.

What happens when your visitor uses your Search tool?
Most search features on websites suck and reflect poorly on your business because they do not work properly.  The search feature should be user friendly and provide what the user is searching for.  The related product suggestion must be relevant.

Does your shopping cart work correctly?
The shopping cart functions of completing a check out and the payment features are crucial to reducing shopping cart abandonment rate.  A review from an online shopper said “The Online payment feature must be trustworthy, secure and easy to use.  There should be no hidden charges which comes up at the payment page only.”

Do you have insurance protection?
There have been too many stories about courier delivery men damaging packages and thefts that occur with leaving items at the door step.  What initiative have you taken to insure the products arrive safely and in working order?  What shipping, return and guarantee policies do you display that lets your online shoppers know that you are a legitimate business?

How easy can a customer pay you?
How do your online shoppers feel about your payment methods and gateways?  Is it a pain in the ass to buy from your store?  Most eCommerce sites have very high abandonment rates because of problems with online payments.

These are just a few of the 108 point analysis Funnel Science performs on E-Commerce websites.

There is an endless supply of internet shoppers, but they will not buy from you unless you take the time to build a good online store.

Increase Ecommerce conversion rate


If you need help increasing your E-Commerce Conversion Rate, call Funnel Science at 877-301-0001

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