SEO vs PPC - Marketing expert explains how to get best marketing results


If you hear a marketing or SEO person tell you it takes 4 to 6 months to get results, it means they don’t know what they are doing.

I have heard this same story hundreds of times from business people. They paid month after month and never had any results to show. Marketing is like a light switch, as soon you flip the switch, the lights are on. If you flip the switch and no light, you know there is a problem. Same with marketing, when you turn on marketing campaigns, you should get results almost immediately. If not, it means something is wrong!

Most SEO companies tell their clients it takes months to get results and they should prioritize SEO services over PPC like Google Ads (formerly AdWords). Don’t wait 4 to 6 months to find out it was setup wrong from the get go.

Recently I heard an SEO company explain to a client that “we didn’t build the website to get leads, we built it for SEO.”

I was like what, hold up. What is the point of ranking higher in the SERPS if you do not intend to get leads? Then the supposed “SEO expert” said he didn’t want to use the website for SEM campaigns and only wanted to use landing pages because the ppc traffic would hurt the SEO.

This type of digital marketing advice is all too common and absolutely ludicrous. SEO is never the business strategy. SEO is supposed to support the lead generation or ecommerce strategy.

It is not SEO vs PPC. They work together and what is learned in PPC should directly support the SEO strategy. Landing pages should be used in testing and once you have a proven page asset, you should use the landing page in all channels. Any landing page that performs in PPC should also perform for organic and direct channels. You should never do anything to your website for SEO reasons if you do not also intend to get more conversions.

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