Turning Hundreds Of Leads Into Thousands Of Leads

Turning Hundreds Of Leads Into Thousands Of Leads

Businesses See Large Gains In Sales Leads With AdWords Experts

Have a look above at the chart. This customer was getting less than 200 leads per month from her AdWords. Then she called Funnel Science. Within six months, she was getting 2,000 leads per month, and if you’ll allow me to manage your PPC campaigns, I’ll do something similar for you.

When clients come to Funnel Science, they’ve already tried several other agencies. As business owners, they are very blunt: “I want you to turn 100s of Leads into 1000s of Leads” is typically what they say. They are tired of false promises from agencies that focus on getting Clicks instead of Conversions, or Impressions instead of sales leads.

We, however, think like you do: Pay-Per-Click advertising should make you money. It’s a tool to improve your business ROI. You expect your advertising to make more profits than you spend on it, and we feel the same way.

I was once in your shoes. I ran businesses that used AdWords to get more leads. But other marketing agencies would promise the world – then let me down. They were great at writing creative ads, but these ads did not address the problems and desires of potential customers. This is why, back in 2011, I founded Funnel Science, a PPC and AdWords agency that delivers what it promises. We don’t talk bull. We don’t speak to you in PPC jargon, We tell you the truth, even if it’s ugly. We form a partnership with you and together create the conditions that will generate far more sales leads than you’ve had before. Here’s what we do:

During Month One, my team works with you to identify your ideal customer prospect, and the search queries they use on Google, Yahoo or Bing. We experiment with ads to appeal to each of these target groups.

In Month Two, we take what we’ve learned from the data so far and test to see if our data-based assumptions are correct. We A/B test ads and also test various landing pages on your website.

By the start of Month Three, we have more hard data about our ideal customers’ demographics, attributes, and interests. Now we create funnels for each target group and/or for each product or services you sell. We begin optimizing everything: keywords, ads, landing pages and the online and offline customer experience. This includes creating clusters of highly targeted keywords and customer-relevant ads.

Now at Month Four, we begin to reduce the numbers of keywords, and we dramatically increase negative keywords. This is because we’re having great success in generating leads, but we now want to exclude non-target audiences: why should you pay for clicks from people who don’t buy?

By Month Five, we’ve proved what works. We can forecast ROI for particular strategies, open or restrict multiple funnels to fill – but not exceed – your business capacity.

Month Six is when some businesses decide to hire more staff to increase capacity. Funnel Science repeats the optimization processes, including more A/B testing of words, ads and landing pages, ever greater generation of quality leads, fewer disqualified leads, and predictable returns for your monthly advertising spend.

Make no mistake, my team of experts regularly turn hundreds of leads into thousands of leads.


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