Using ppc and seo to get to the million dollar club - Funnel Science

Using ppc and seo to get to the million dollar club

We helped a startup join the $1 Million club in just 6 months with PPC, SEO and Retargeting campaigns. Some are just dumb lucky, others work with experts. If you want to know how to grow a new division of a company or a startup, there are a few things that are tried and true and always work.

1) Marketing A, b, c’s – Always be converting. That means every day convert clicks to leads. That means if you are not converting 10 to 100 clicks into prospect customers everyday, you are not working hard enough.

2) Sales A, b, c’s – Always be closing. That means everyday close deals. Every day count in thousands of dollars. Your average sales day needs to average out at least $2800.  Don’t count the damn pennies, count in thousands or tens of thousands. Collect every penny and make sure your analytics and bank account reconcile with each other. Setup your tracking to measure the revenue in high dollar amounts. And set daily and weakly goals to hit targets in the millions.

3) AdWords is one of the fastest ways to grow sales. When you combine the insights from AdWords keyword, ad and landing page spit testing to SEO, its like throwing gas on fire. Boom!

#FunnelScience #MillionDollarClub
#GoogleAnalytics #AdWords #PPC #SEO


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