Keynote Speaker Alex Fender to present at Garland Tx Rotary

Garland TX Rotary Club welcomes keynote speaker Alex Fender

Keynote Speaker Alex Fender will be speaking at the Garland Texas Rotary Club on Oct 18, 2011.


In “Converting Website Cruisers into Paying Customers,” your members will learn:Alex Fender CMO of Funnel Science
•   The five essential elements their website must have
•   How people transform from visitors to buyers
•   The subtle psychology of website copy
•   Why a lot of website traffic does not mean a lot of sales
•   Simple changes they can make to their own websites right now that will increase their conversion rate

On October 18, 2011 keynote speaker Alex Fender will speaking at the Garland Rotary club meeting at 12 noon.

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There is a science to internet marketing that most businesses are unaware of.  The funnel science process starts with aligning your internet marketing strategy with a website sales funnel.

Through a controlled process of testing websites through A/B split, A/b^n or multi-variate testing, you can increase your website conversion rate.  Conversions are the goals that you deem to be valuable such as completed shopping cart purchases, lead forms, newsletter sign ups or social media interactions to name a few.

Getting visitors to your website is the easy part. Getting them to interact with your website can be extremely difficult. Alex will be presenting today how to Convert Website Cruisers into Paying Customers.


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