A/B Testing For More Clicks, Better Landing Pages & More Sales

A/B Testing For More Clicks, Better Landing Pages & More Sales








A/B Split Testing For Effective Pay Per Click Ads

Want to learn about split testing or A/B testing of PPC ads? Want to make you PPC ads more effective so they’ll make you more money? Would you like your landing pages to generate more sales?

It is time-consuming but not actually difficult to do. The most important thing to understand is that the ad or landing page you feel is the better one is not necessarily the one that will get the better results. For example, we recently compared the two landing pages shown above. The one on the left is aesthetically more pleasing than the one on the right, and when I asked a group of people to choose which they thought would be more effective, all chose the one on the left. However, the data from A/B testing proved that the landing page on the right was far more effective.

Intuition or gut-feel will not help you get the results you want: only real-world testing. Get the data and rely on the data: this will increase your conversions rate fourfold. For more in-depth guidance on A/B testing of PPC ads and landing pages, watch the video below.



The FunnelScience YouTube channel is a great source for video primers and interviews covering all elements of Analytics, Google AdWords, Bing Ads, Yahoo and Amazon, as well as more general topics such as SEO, SEM, and Conversions tracking.

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